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Aug 21 2012

Getting the Most from Your Ecological Consultant

When choosing which consultancy to use, calling several can help you get a sense of the different approaches and attitudes each may take towards your project.

When reviewing several proposals be sure to also compare the approach of each consultancy will take as well as costs. A higher fee may be the result of combining initial works with predicted further works and may ultimately offer better value.

After giving your chosen consultancy the formal instruction to proceed, providing all the documentation/details requested in the proposal as soon as possible may help increase the implementation speed and bring forward the completion of the project.

If not provided, requesting the name of a dedicated ecologist responsible for your project will help ensure you know who is taking responsibility and who you can contact with any questions.

Quick Tip

A phone call is oftern a good way to test professional ability/experience and impart a clear understanding of the project brief



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