Study finds larger city parks more beneficial to humans than many smaller parks and gardens, but both play a positive role. In order for urban ecosystems to provide maximum benefits to human inhabitants, cities should incorporate large green spaces into... Read more
Offshore wind farm developments proposed for waters surrounding the United Kingdom could pose a higher risk to protected gannet populations than scientists previously thought, according to the findings of a study recently conducted by a team of researchers from Exeter,... Read more
Vehicles take their toll on wildlife. Collisions result in high mortality of wild animals in both urban and rural roads. Now scientists have developed a method of detecting the presence of large animals using Roadside Animal Detection Systems (RADS) that... Read more
A new study has revealed that UK’s blanket bog ecosystems, together with several rare avian species that depend on them for survival, are threatened by climate change impacts. Blanket bogs or upland peats, not only supply drinking water to most... Read more