The purpose of this blog is to create a detailed resource for people who need to create standalone buildings for bats, often called bat barns, bat buildings or bat condos. Such buildings are often required to replace large roosts of... Read more
The ecologists at Crossman Associates can provide an eDNA sampling survey to confirm the presence or absence of great crested newts. eDNA sampling of your pond, lake or ditch is available from mid-April to late June. Fast and effective This... Read more
Bat surveys are a multi-stage process. Our flyer gives you the low down on how the process works and will help you plan your survey. Click here to view the flyer.
In the warm summer months, bats are commonly seen darting across the night sky, swooping across urban backyards preying on midges and other insect pests. Bats also benefit farmers by feeding on insect pests that damage crops, so they serve... Read more